We enjoyed working together
I guess it's over
Enjoy reading
Final Sequence - Cataclysm
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Monday, 4 April 2011
Shooting Schedule
This shooting schedule was used to ensure an efficient/organized production process. It works well with the clapperboard as they are both 'organizers' and we use the shooting schedule to place our shots onto the clapperboard.
This shooting schedule was used to ensure an efficient/organized production process. It works well with the clapperboard as they are both 'organizers' and we use the shooting schedule to place our shots onto the clapperboard.
To Be Blogged
Storyboard - Done
Shoot Schedule - Done
Equipment Release Form - Done
Audience Feedback Video
Final Video - Done
Check Links - Done
Labels (3 + names) - Done
Updated: 21:31 (James)
Shoot Schedule - Done
Equipment Release Form - Done
Audience Feedback Video
Final Video - Done
Check Links - Done
Labels (3 + names) - Done
Updated: 21:31 (James)
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Shot Report (Post 12/3/11 shoot)
- Establishing Street Pans - 3rd Take is best, slow and smooth
- Forensic Introductory Shot - 7th Take is best (after continuity errors were spotted)
- Matt's off ground shot - Possibly use at end of sequence
- CU Alex talking - Good (eventually), last take is best
- CU Loui talking - Take 6 best (final take)
- Cuts on body - Stills better than pan
- Matt POV with gun - Possible
- POV of bodies - 3rd Take is best
- Final POV beast - 3rd, 5th and final take all ok
- Master shot of Soldier entering - Take 4 is best
Final Post-Production Week
Here are our target for the week ahead, as it is our final week of post-production:
- Add in the retakes of the shots we had to reshoot and colour correct them to suit the rest of the sequence
- Order the titles and add them into our sequence and make sure music is finalised to suit the action
- Play our sequence to an audience and amend it based on the feedback we receive
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Rough Edit 2 - Feedback
After speaking to Chris we were notified of various improvements:
- The Forensics randomly appear at the S/R/S, therefore they need to be introduced before moving into shot 7
- The Sun Shot (Soldier POV looks up exhausted into the sky) will be removed as it disorientates/confuses the viewer
- The Blood Shots did not come out as expected, and were too light
- Re-shoot beast POV death as Soldier doesn't show enough reaction
- Reduce LS length
- Remove the crouching/firing shot from the end as it is confusing
- The Forensics randomly appear at the S/R/S, therefore they need to be introduced before moving into shot 7
- The Sun Shot (Soldier POV looks up exhausted into the sky) will be removed as it disorientates/confuses the viewer
- The Blood Shots did not come out as expected, and were too light
- Re-shoot beast POV death as Soldier doesn't show enough reaction
- Reduce LS length
- Remove the crouching/firing shot from the end as it is confusing
Monday, 7 March 2011
Our Shoot
We had our first shoot on Saturday and we are pleased to say that it all went according to plan and we got all of the shoots that we needed. The fake blood didn't look as good on camera as we wanted but we are going to colour correct it in After Effects in post-production.
By the of this week, the 7th week of our project, we aim to achieve and complete the following:-
By the of this week, the 7th week of our project, we aim to achieve and complete the following:-
- A finished and well-edited rough cut w/ music synced and match-on-action finished
- Feedback from both teachers and technician
- Moving titles
- Special FX in the form of colour correction, muzzle flares, smokes and wounds
Friday, 4 March 2011
Props & Costume
oday is the day before our second full shoot and we have just finished sorting out props and costume. Below we have a picture of our actor with the rest of our group.
We are pleased with the way that this costume has turned out as it looks very realistic and does the job that we need it to do.
These are the pistols that we may or may not be using in our clip. We are yet to choose which one to use as they've not been painted yet, but we shall bring them all and decide on the day.
This is the main gun that we are going to use. In our rough cut, it was green however, it was too noticeably fake so it's been painted and now we are ready to use it in our next shoot.
Above we have the gas mask, ski mask and helmet that combine to make our soldiers mask. They work well together as the mask.
JAM Studios' new Forensic Officer!
At our first shoot we used David Lewis as our Forensic. Unfortunately, he was unable to shoot on Saturday 5th March, therefore we decided to search for a new Forensic to act in our opening film seqeuence.
.....say hello to Loui Kyriacou: Our new Forensic Officer!
.....say hello to Loui Kyriacou: Our new Forensic Officer!
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Group Meeting #7
All present.
Start time: 9:50AM Wednesday 2nd March
Finish time: 10:25AM Wednesday 2nd March
Start time: 9:50AM Wednesday 2nd March
Finish time: 10:25AM Wednesday 2nd March
- Preparations for second and third shoots.
- Second shoot is test for real shoot.
- Mask (prop) arrived and has been confirmed as fine.
- Outlined what still needed completing from pre-production.
- Agreed who was doing what during the course of this week.
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Final Script
Opening shots of empty residential area, nobody around. As shots change we get closer to the house on the end of the road, where two forensic officers can just be seen in the distance. Text appears on screen during shots:
London. 2015. The City is a code black location after a radioactive gas leak.
Many parts of London evacuated. Army now in control.
Estimated dead: 7,000,000 and counting
Shots are now close enough so that you can see the forensic officers in the distance checking a dead body. One of them is taking notes on a clipboard; the other one is taking pictures of the body.
Cuts to a foot level shot of a soldier on the street. Soldier pokes at a body with his gun then walks on, camera follows with a forwards track. Cuts to POV of the soldier looking around the street. You can see the forensics more clearly now checking the body and there is another body which is in the street.
Parallel cuts with establishing shot of soldier and forensics on the street. As soldier approaches the forensic officers, he coughs loudly to grab their attention. As he walks towards them it goes to a shot-reverse-shot of the conversation.
Soldier: What’s the sit rep?
Forensic 1: This is the last street we need to check in this area. There’s 15 dead including the 2 on this street and there’s one more just inside the gate there (points towards gate)
Soldier: Have you checked it?
Forensic 2: No we haven’t had time
Soldier: Go check it now then
Forensic 1: But sir, we have to finish this one...
Soldier: Just go!
Forensic 1&2: (begrudgingly) Yes, sir
The forensics walk towards the gate. Cuts to a POV shot of the ‘beast’ watching them from the corner of the garden. He watches them as they closer to the body, as they approach cuts to a LA close up of them crouching down by the body with the camera and clipboard.
Forensic 1: Right then, who do we have here?
Forensic 2: Young female, possibly early teens. Chemical scarring...
Forensic 1: On the right forearm perhaps?
Forensic 2: Of course, just like the others
Forensic 1: Take a picture and then let’s get out of here
Forensic 2: Wait a minute, here on the left wrist and neck, these haven’t been on the other bodies.
Cuts to close ups of teeth and claw marks on the left wrist and neck. Forensics look at each other, the Forensic 2 gets his camera to take a picture of the wounds. Forensic 1 turns towards the soldier and calls to him but the soldier raise his hand.
Soldier: (into radio) Yes sarge. There’s 15 dead here... Area Omega... North London... Just checking the final body now...
Cuts back to forensic officers.
Forensic 2: Where’s sir?
Forensic 1: He’ll be a minute, he’s on the radio to base
Cuts back to soldier.
Soldier: (still into radio) all seem to be from the gas sarge, chemical scarring... no there’s been no problems to report... we’ll be back to base...
(Screams heard in background)
Soldier spins quickly looking slightly shocked. Close up montage of the soldier grabbing gun and walking towards the gate. As he enters there is a close up of him looking down at the floor shocked, and he momentarily lowers his gun and walks towards the bodies. Cuts to a POV shot of him looking at the bodies of the girl and now the two forensics as well. Cuts to the ‘beast’ again, watching the soldier. He moves around the wall and snaps a twig. The soldier turns and instinctively fires towards the corner of the garden.
He then realises thinks there is nothing there so he backs away, looking around. The camera tracks towards him as the ‘beast’ and then goes into ECU of the soldier looking scared.
Cut to black.
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Rough Cut Feedback
These are the points we were told to change by Ms Blackborow:
- Move the titles from the end
- Linking Shot needs to be shot
- Slower opening, more of a reveal with a location – Shoot the street establishing shot
- George Romero – Night of the Living Dead opening (watch for inspiration)
- Stronger reaction from forensics
- More forensic interaction – chemical scars
- Emphasise difference in female body
- Show complete shock of soldier between montage and body finding
- Smooth track into soldier kill
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Rough Cut Feedback
All present at start, Matt and James present after the break
Start time: 13:20
Ms Blackborow gave us feedback on our rough cut, which we noted down so that we could use it on our reshoot and edit. Reshoot needed as props and costumes lacked the required realism. We also need to shoot some more establishing shots and add to the script.
End time: 15:05 (with break from 13:35-13:50)
Start time: 13:20
Ms Blackborow gave us feedback on our rough cut, which we noted down so that we could use it on our reshoot and edit. Reshoot needed as props and costumes lacked the required realism. We also need to shoot some more establishing shots and add to the script.
End time: 15:05 (with break from 13:35-13:50)
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Edit Session #3
James and Alex present
Start time 14:25
We finalised music editing and put titles in at the end, edited so they appeared in time with the music. Alex looked for sound effects for screams and gunshots, which we would need in post-production. James finished checking the continuity of the sequence and edited it accordingly.
Finish time 15:40
Start time 14:25
We finalised music editing and put titles in at the end, edited so they appeared in time with the music. Alex looked for sound effects for screams and gunshots, which we would need in post-production. James finished checking the continuity of the sequence and edited it accordingly.
Finish time 15:40
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Edit Session #2
All present
Start Time 09:30
Second edit session during lesson. We continued with our ordering of shots and continued searching for appropriate music. Order finished by end of lesson (10:50). Alex stayed from 11:10 to 12:30 to input the music we found in the lesson.
End Time 12:30
Start Time 09:30
Second edit session during lesson. We continued with our ordering of shots and continued searching for appropriate music. Order finished by end of lesson (10:50). Alex stayed from 11:10 to 12:30 to input the music we found in the lesson.
End Time 12:30
Monday, 14 February 2011
Edit Session #1
All present
Start time 10:10
Started capturing our footage and produced our final shot log with our footage. Overall we were pleased with our footage but we saw some shot which we needed to reshoot and have planned to do so.
Began a rough order of shots. Matt started search for music on freeplaymusic.com. Didn't find anything particularly useful at this point. Will continue search.
End time 12:30 (with a break 10:50-11:10)
Start time 10:10
Started capturing our footage and produced our final shot log with our footage. Overall we were pleased with our footage but we saw some shot which we needed to reshoot and have planned to do so.
Began a rough order of shots. Matt started search for music on freeplaymusic.com. Didn't find anything particularly useful at this point. Will continue search.
End time 12:30 (with a break 10:50-11:10)
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Cataclysm Production Report Summary (after shoot)
Today we had a very successful day of shooting, and we managed to pretty much finish everything. There were challenges which will be addressed later, but here is my production report summary which i've written after looking at our footage:
Cataclysm Shot Report
Cataclysm Shot Report
Friday, 11 February 2011
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Practice Walkthrough
This is our practice walkthough for our opening sequence. It is a rough edit of the order of main shots we are going to use in our final sequence. Each shot is annotated, so we can directly use this with our storyboard and visualise every shot.
From this walkthrough we learnt where to put the camera for each shot, and we also learnt the difficulties with background noise and people walking across the background.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
We used this letter to ensure that the local residents, do not call the police when they see a teenager with a gun. It reduces stress and is a precuationary measure which should always be taken to ensure a swift and efficient production process.
We used this letter to ensure that the local residents, do not call the police when they see a teenager with a gun. It reduces stress and is a precuationary measure which should always be taken to ensure a swift and efficient production process.
Monday, 7 February 2011
More Location Shots
Location Pictures
This is a picture from Google Maps of Ravensroft Park, Barnet. This street will be the location for our shoot, rather than the warehouse, as it will show that the radiation is affecting a domestic area so the audience can relate directly to the idea of the invasion of privacy. This location was also more practical as it is near to Alex's house.
This is the front gate of Alex's house, also taken from Google Maps. This area is possible for the dead bodies which have been attacked by the 'beast' to be placed, as it will relate to the house directly and reinforce the invasion of privacy idea.
This is another possible location for the dead bodies which have been attacked by the 'beast'. The alley idea will show the 'beast' is secretive. However the alleyway will not really relate to the idea of invasion of privacy, so we will probably use the space just behind the front gate.
The Script
A soldier is walking through dead bodies (CU from back of feet as he walks). There is an upwards pan as the soldier takes in his surroundings. There is an establishing long shot of the road, which is full of dead bodies; the forensic officers are checking the bodies. POV shot of the soldier looking around the street at all these dead bodies. This cuts to MS two shot of forensics checking a dead body. They turn as soldier approaches. This cuts to a LA OTS S/R/S of soldier talking to forensic officers.
Soldier (removing mask): Have you found anything yet?
Forensic 1: Nothing yet sir.
Soldier: Alright, I want you to turn this place over. This was the centre of the leak. We need to find something…anything (Looking towards Alleyway) What about over there?
Forensic 2: Just two bodies, we haven’t given them a full check over yet.
Soldier: Check them now!
Forensic 2: *SIGH* Yes Sarge.
Two forensic officers walk into the alleyway. The forensic officers are seen walking past the soldier OTS. The soldier continues to check bodies and he starts to talk on his radio. We see the alleyway from the POV of the soldier; he is standing in the corner of the alleyway. The forensic officers check the bodies and notice cuts.
Forensic 1: What the hell?! Why is this one ripped open?!
LA POV of the ‘beast’ hiding from the forensics/soldiers gazes (+key signifiers making it clear that it is an abnormal creature, e.g. strange breathing/rustling). The first forensic looks at the body and the second one looks around and towards the soldier. This is followed by a POV shot of forensic 2 looking at the soldier who has walked away and is talking on his radio. Then there is a LA POV shot from the ‘beast’ and the camera ‘pounces’ towards the forensics up to an ECU. *SCREAMS* CU of Soldier turning towards alley. There is a MS of the soldier cautiously and stealthily raising his gun. Then lots of close ups of the soldier making his way towards the alleyway, for example his feet moving across the camera and his face as he looks shocked when discovering the death of the forensics. This is followed by a MS of the forensics dead in the alleyway. The soldier begins to check their bodies when at a LA POV the ‘beast’ jumps at him and the camera again ‘pounces’ up to an ECU of the soldier’s scared face.
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Monday, 31 January 2011
Group Meeting #5
Matt & James present from start. Alex present from p3 onwards.
Meeting start: 9:30 Thursday 27th 2011
Meeting end: 10:50 Thursday 27th 2011
Agenda - Preparation for Presentation
We all went through our presentation, and who was saying what. By the end of the meeting, we were fully prepared.
Meeting start: 9:30 Thursday 27th 2011
Meeting end: 10:50 Thursday 27th 2011
Agenda - Preparation for Presentation
We all went through our presentation, and who was saying what. By the end of the meeting, we were fully prepared.
Thursday, 27 January 2011
The Idea
Opening Sequence
The sequence opens with man waking up from lying on the floor. He is wearing full forest camo, with battle packs. He picks up a gas mask next to him and puts in on before picking up an M16. He proceeds out of the room cautiously, moving down corridors into a large room, full of rubble, upturned tables smashed windows. He spots a door and heads over to it, poking his head out of the window. He spots 2 people wearing gas masks, in full forensic clothing, walking slowly down the corridor, looking at giager counters. The army man takes cover as they walk past, and follows them as they enter another hall. They continue to a back room, whilst the army man explores the hall. Gunshots go off at the back, followed by screaming. The armed man proceeds to the back room to see the 2 forensics lying on the floor, covered in blood. He hears a noise back in the hall, so spins on the spot, and open fires his gun before realising there is nothing to be seen, puts his gun on his back and removes a pistol from his holster. He walks towards to door, gets there, then hears a running noise behind him, and the scene concludes with the ‘beast’ leaping towards his face.
A tank of radioactive waste was accidentally unsealed, releasing a toxic gas into the atmosphere, affecting the surrounding towns and cities. All those affected have been transformed into monsters, and the army are forced to step in to prevent any more killings of innocent cilivians. Serg. Murray prevails within the army and in the fight against the monsters.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Film Theories
We used film theories to illustrate what makes up our films and to ensure that we have covered all areas in film and what they should include.
Claude Levi-Strauss: Binary Opposites
Levi-Strauss used binary opposites to look at narrative structure. Theser are sets of opposite values which reveal the structure of media texts, e.g. Good and Evil, Good is the oppostite of Evil. In our case we had to ensure that we have enough opposites to make the film appealing to its audience. The following binary opposites exist in our film:
Good - Evil
Known - Unknown*
Humans - Creatures
Normal - Strange*
Life - Death
Light - Dark
Quiet - Loud
Tech - Power
Guns - Claws/Teeth
*These are used in particular for our opening sequence, the idea of abnormalities and unknown events build up tension and engage the audience.
Vladimir Propp: 8 Character roles
Propp looked at 100s Folk tales and identidfied 8 character roles which consisted of: Villain,Hero,Donor,Helper,Princess,Father,Dispatcher,False Hero. We had to ensure that these roles were covered in order to maintain a successful film.
Villain: Radiation/Creatures
Hero: Army Sergeant
Donor: Weapons Expert
Helper: Sergeant's assistant
Princess: Female who meets Sergeant during recovery
Father: Captain who promotes Sergeant
Dispatcher: General
False Hero: Soldier in opening sequence
Tzvetan Todorov: Equlibrium
Todorov suggested that stories begin with an equilibrium where any potentially opposing forces are in balance. This is disrupted by some event, setting in chain a series of events. Problems are solved so that order can be restored to the world of the fiction.
Claude Levi-Strauss: Binary Opposites
Levi-Strauss used binary opposites to look at narrative structure. Theser are sets of opposite values which reveal the structure of media texts, e.g. Good and Evil, Good is the oppostite of Evil. In our case we had to ensure that we have enough opposites to make the film appealing to its audience. The following binary opposites exist in our film:
Good - Evil
Known - Unknown*
Humans - Creatures
Normal - Strange*
Life - Death
Light - Dark
Quiet - Loud
Tech - Power
Guns - Claws/Teeth
*These are used in particular for our opening sequence, the idea of abnormalities and unknown events build up tension and engage the audience.
Vladimir Propp: 8 Character roles
Propp looked at 100s Folk tales and identidfied 8 character roles which consisted of: Villain,Hero,Donor,Helper,Princess,Father,Dispatcher,False Hero. We had to ensure that these roles were covered in order to maintain a successful film.
Villain: Radiation/Creatures
Hero: Army Sergeant
Donor: Weapons Expert
Helper: Sergeant's assistant
Princess: Female who meets Sergeant during recovery
Father: Captain who promotes Sergeant
Dispatcher: General
False Hero: Soldier in opening sequence
Tzvetan Todorov: Equlibrium
Todorov suggested that stories begin with an equilibrium where any potentially opposing forces are in balance. This is disrupted by some event, setting in chain a series of events. Problems are solved so that order can be restored to the world of the fiction.
Opening Sequence Research
1. Genre Characteristics
Chosen Genre: Action-Horror - although it isn't a mainstream and widely used genre, it appeals to our target audience
Typical Theme: A battle between humans and 'monsters' of some form - this is the theme for our film also. However, we intend to produce our sequence in a more suspenseful and cinematic way than most bloodbaths
Character Types: Strong male hero, beautiful love interest, 'monster' creator/ leader, team/friends who help the hero achieve his goal
Influential Films: I Am Legend - this film is also an Action-Horror film. The 'monsters' in our film were based on the antagonists in I Am Legend, as they hide in the shadows and try to kill the humans in the film.
2. Target Audiences
Our primary target audience is 15-25 year old males.
Our secondary target audience is 15-25 year old females and 25-40 year old males who have an interest in the genre.
48% of Horror movie viewers are aged 18-24, and 24% aged 14-17. This means that our target audience are the main watchers of our movie genre.
![]() |
Example of primary target audience member |
3. Opening Sequences
Character: Protagonist and antagonist for the film are usually introduced. In our film the protagonist for the opening sequence is not the protagonist for the film overall, they play the role of the false hero.
Editing Styles: Our opening sequence will stick to continuity rules, be quite fast paced and may also use parallel editing between the protagonist and the two forensic scientists.
Graphic and Font styles: Our font will tie in with the genre, so will probably be quite a scary looking font. Any graphics or text effects we use will also be scary to tie in with the feel and genre of the film as a whole.
Use of credits: We will use very few credits in our opening sequence, so that we do not draw the viewer's attention away from the narrative shown on the screen. The credits we do use will inform the audience of the main actor/actress and the director(s)/writer(s).
Music: We will use non-diegetic ominous music in our opening sequence (possibly drums) to create and build tension for the audience. We will use some diegetic sounds of footsteps and doors shutting etc. which will also build tension.
Rhythm and Pace: Our opening sequence will start slowly, so the audience can be introduced to the character and his location. The pace will then gradually get faster and this will create tension up until the climax of the opening sequence just before the film title appears.
Planning Brief Questions
Is it practical?
Yes. We have access to a sutiable location, props and actors/actresses who are willing to give up their time for the film. However, there is the impracticality of the weather but we have overcome this as our opening sequence is mainly indoors.
Is it an idea that works to the strengths of the group?
Yes as the genre appeals to all members of our group and the storyline is one which is familiar to us. Our group is very creative and practical which will help us with the Action-Horror genre.
Will it show off the skills you have learnt so far on the course?
Yes as we are using the theories and applying them to our film (Todorov, Levi-Strauss etc.). We are also using the institutional practices for the production and "green-lighting" of our film.
Is it something you can reasonably shoot and edit in the time avaliable?
Yes as we have kept the opening sequence quite simple without many special effects so shooting and editing will not take too much time to complete.
Can you get access/ permission to shoot in the chosen location at the chosen times?
The location is avaliable to us for film making, so we chould be able to get accss. However we also have a back-up location which we can definitely access if we can't get permission for our primary location.
![]() |
Our Chosen Location |
Can you organise lighting to use in that location?
As our shoot is indoors, the lighting will not be a big problem for us. To tie in with the genre, the lighting for our opening sequence will still be quite dark but as it is indoors this can be controlled.
Have you included dialogue? If so, will it work to shoot conversation in that location?
There isn't any dialogue for the main character in our opening sequence, but there is some dialogue between the two forensic characters which is muffled in the background.
Do you have guaranteed high quality reliable actors to play the characters?
We have high quality actors and the access to get them. They are reliable and suitable for the characters in out film.
Group Meeting #4
All present.
Meeting start: 10:00 Wednesday 26th 2011
Meet end: 10:50 Wednesday 26th 2011
Agenda - Prepare for our presentation by distributing roles and needed information for the presentation
We sat down and distributed the roles for the presentation:-
Meeting start: 10:00 Wednesday 26th 2011
Meet end: 10:50 Wednesday 26th 2011
Agenda - Prepare for our presentation by distributing roles and needed information for the presentation
We sat down and distributed the roles for the presentation:-
- Matt: Complete A4 Handout (Containing: Film Synopsis, Opening Sequence, Inspiration, Target Audience, Visuals, Practicalities, Cast/Crew, Possible Locations)
- Alex: Put our idea against the theories and come up with antagonist, protagonist, binary opposites.
- James: Answer the 8 Practicalities questions and the 4 Research questions.
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Group Meeting #3
All present.
Meeting start: 12:35 Tuesday 25th 2011
Meeting end: 13:45 Tuesday 25th 2011
Agenda - Put forward each of our individual ideas, finalise film idea, distribute and organise the roles for the presentation.
Alex and James put forward ideas. Each of them explained their synopsis. After explaining and introducing these to Ms Blackborow, along with the initial idea, we have decided to use Matt's initial idea, containing elements of both of Alex's and James' ideas aswell. We also discussed inspirational films and techniques that we have seen which we would like to put into our film.
We have organised who is going to be gathering what information needed for the presentation.
Meeting start: 12:35 Tuesday 25th 2011
Meeting end: 13:45 Tuesday 25th 2011
Agenda - Put forward each of our individual ideas, finalise film idea, distribute and organise the roles for the presentation.
Alex and James put forward ideas. Each of them explained their synopsis. After explaining and introducing these to Ms Blackborow, along with the initial idea, we have decided to use Matt's initial idea, containing elements of both of Alex's and James' ideas aswell. We also discussed inspirational films and techniques that we have seen which we would like to put into our film.
We have organised who is going to be gathering what information needed for the presentation.
Monday, 24 January 2011
Group Meeting #2
All present.
Meeting start: 14:00 Monday 24th 2011
Meeting end: 14:20 Monday 24th 2011
Agenda - Finalise synopsis and possibly storyboard for film
Meeting end: 14:20 Monday 24th 2011
Agenda - Finalise synopsis and possibly storyboard for film
Synopsis needs to be changed after location for initial idea was not possible. Need to come up with individual synopsis for film and possibly storyboard a few shots we want to use. As a group we will then decide which one to use, or which bits to use, to finalise our group film.
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Group Meeting #1
ll present.
Meeting start: 12:30 Friday 21st 2011
Meeting End 12:48 Friday 21st 2011
Agenda - Location finding and discussion.
Agenda - Location finding and discussion.
Looking for possible locations for our movie, locations need to be accessible and suitable for our genre and storyline. RAF Thurleigh is a possible, Whittingham is too far to get to.
After some information gathering, location is not possible. Location search still continuing.
Possibility of using a house instead, shots need to be correctly framed for it to work, back-up option.
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